Graham Nash in his very, very fine house

Graham Nash in his very, very fine house

The theme of this week’s episode of Rick Pecoraro Talks to Himself, where I have the honor of being musical director, is … Real Estate.

Turns out there aren’t a ton of great songs about, like, zoning. Or city planning. Or adjustable-rate mortgages. So I went with a playlist about houses*. As someone who just signed his first-ever lease on a house, I couldn’t have had more fun putting this one together. I hope you enjoy.

Rick Pecoraro Talks to Himself airs Thursdays at 2pm Eastern (1pm Nashville time). You can listen live over the airwaves on 101.5 FM, or stream it at

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*Not included here, but on the show: “This Old House,” from Van Lear Rose, the wonderful Jack White-produced Loretta Lynn record, which ain’t on Spotify. Fun fact: you can tour Loretta Lynn’s house!